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Reduce Stress

Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

Peace of the inner spirit creates tranquility and calmer sense to appreciate what life has to offer. If only we could experience such peacefulness all the time. Sorry, but life isn’t like that; well not all the time anyway!

You are on a roll, and life is going along at the pace you wanted. Alleluia! You are winning. But as you should be aware nothing lasts forever. There will come a moment in time when you are tested, and you might fall in a deep hole. I’m not talking about a real hole in the ground, but rather in a jam that puts pressure on your shoulders like a ton of bricks.

Sometimes these jams mount up: no money to pay bills, can’t keep up with car payments, had an accident and broke your leg (rested up in hospital) and can’t work, mother is ill and has no one to look after her, just got sacked from work, or whatever other inconvenience hits you head on.

Distress is playing havoc on your self-esteem. Don’t worry, be happy! Easier said than done you might think. Well, it doesn’t have to be all sorrow. Feeling sorry for yourself only makes it worse. In my experience that best remedy to overcome the stress caused by dire circumstances is deep breathing.

Deep breathing reduces anxiety by slowing down your breathing while oxygenating your body which brings you back to a youthful state. You can tap into mind and spirit which provides a sense of wellbeing unmatched by anything else.

Simply take a deep breath through your nose as long as possible via your stomach and immediately bring the oxygen up to your chest area. Then exhale through your nose quickly but without pushing (in other words relaxing your whole body), so it escapes easily and you are ready to inhale again.

Start off by inhaling and exhaling 30 times. Then after the last exhalation, stop breathing and hold your breath. Don’t worry that you hold after exhaling. You have inhaled more than you have exhaled after 30 deep breaths. You will be amazed at how long you should be able to hold your breath.

Certainly, you can hold it for longer than you think. The point here is people are used to breathing at regular intervals and the mind automatically signals you to breathe.

If you have inhaled aiming to draw more oxygen in every time then your lungs have filled up and consequently your capillaries have also been oxygenated to such a degree that you have more oxygen in your system to hold your breath for longer.

Don’t take my word for it; do it every day and feel the benefit!

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface


Vocabulary builder:

Alleluia (n) = /ˌɑːləˈlʊjə, -jɑː/ AL-ə-LOO-yə, -⁠yah; from Hebrew הללויה‎ (hal'luyáh) 'praise Yah') is a phrase in Christianity used to give praise to God. An utterance of the word ‘hallelujah’ as an expression of worship or rejoicing.

In a jam (idiom) = If you are in a jam, you are in some trouble. If you get out of a jam, you avoid trouble.

Havoc (n) = chaos, mayhem, destruction, disorder, mess, disaster

Self-esteem (n) = confidence, self-confidence, self-worth, self-image, self-respect, self-regard, self-assurance, pride, sense of worth, (ant) insecurity

Sorrow (n) = grief, mourning, sadness, distress, sorrowfulness, unhappiness, regret, trouble, burden, disappointment, worry

Dire (adj) = terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, dismal, grim, disastrous, frightful, appalling

Capillaries (n) = are delicate blood vessels that exist throughout your body. They transport blood, nutrients and oxygen to cells in your organs and body systems. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in your vascular system. CAPILLARIES are blood vessels in the walls of the alveoli. Blood passes through the capillaries, entering through your PULMONARY ARTERY and leaving via your PULMONARY VEIN. While in the capillaries, blood gives off carbon dioxide through the capillary wall into the alveoli and takes up oxygen from air in the alveoli.


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