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Carl Boniface
3 de fev.2 min de leitura
Life Strategy One
First in a new personal development series in English that focuses on life traits worth cultivating.
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Carl Boniface
3 de fev.2 min de leitura
Key Fiasco
Read about John and his key fiasco experience. Real things that happen in daily life. Lots of new English words to learn
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Carl Boniface
20 de nov. de 20240 min de leitura
English for Success
Increase your chances of success by speaking English fluently. Build your confidence by having dynamic classes online.
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Carl Boniface
6 de nov. de 20242 min de leitura
Coffee Shop Conversation
Article about a coffee shop invitation for lunch. Basic English with a twist. Talks about how to make cappuccino.
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Carl Boniface
31 de out. de 20242 min de leitura
Learn English Smartly
Having a proper English teacher will make all the difference to how you progress in your studies.
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Carl Boniface
19 de set. de 20242 min de leitura
A Step-by-Step Guide for Higher Basic Learners
English learning series for beginners who have mastered the verb to be and auxiliary verb to do, and are now developing verb usage.
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Carl Boniface
2 de set. de 20241 min de leitura
Learn directions to get from a to b. Useful guide for beginniners travelling abroad.
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Carl Boniface
16 de jul. de 20243 min de leitura
Travel Verb Usage
If you are learning English and going to travel abroad you might want to brush up on verb usage. Simple usage practice!
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Carl Boniface
10 de jul. de 20243 min de leitura
Preposition Test
Try your skill at completing a simple preposition test.
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Carl Boniface
9 de jul. de 20243 min de leitura
Verb Test
Quick test for practicing verb usage while possibly picking up a few new words for your vocabulary.
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Carl Boniface
20 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura
Bête the Hiker
Simple basic English after you have learnt auxilary verbs to do, and the verb to be, followed by a few month of study with a good teacher.
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Carl Boniface
17 de jun. de 20243 min de leitura
The Paper Boy – part 2 of 3
Growing up isn't always easy. Fictional story. 2nd part about a boy who has to overcome mischievous deeds.
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Carl Boniface
6 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura
Word USAGE - To BE
In this basic blog about word usage you can pick up some ideas about leaning the English language.
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Carl Boniface
21 de nov. de 20231 min de leitura
Positivism Series 005
Live or die in a world full of conflict and attrition. Choosing to live doesn’t mean just studying, working, and partying. There needs to...
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Carl Boniface
21 de nov. de 20232 min de leitura
Positivism Series 004
Those who keep going through thick and thin are the ones who stand a better chance of being successful. It is this lifeforce that gives...
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Carl Boniface
21 de nov. de 20232 min de leitura
Positivism Series 003
You have got an idea and you want to take action, but you don’t know how. Start communicating with yourself and ask, “what if I knew how,...
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Carl Boniface
21 de nov. de 20232 min de leitura
Positivism Series 002
You love to feel good! Don’t we all? Get those endorphins going! Endorphins are druglike neurotransmitters released by the pituitary...
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Carl Boniface
21 de nov. de 20231 min de leitura
Positivism Series 001
The day ahead provides plenty of opportunity to excel. Likewise, every day offers a fresh view to take the right course of action. If we...
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Carl Boniface
4 de out. de 20232 min de leitura
The Big Kahuna
The big kahuna was a man on a mission to do things his way or the highway. In other words, his ego outshone his political role. He stood...
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Carl Boniface
4 de set. de 20231 min de leitura
Agreeing Against the Odds
Approaching my 500th blog encouraged me to take a look at my analytics. I noticed on LinkedIn that there were 228 views yesterday....
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