Perhaps the best way to tackle depression is solely think of yourself in the sense that your mind and body are your shrine. That is why exercise which releases endorphins the feel-good drug is likely to bolster your chances of snapping out of depression, as mentioned in my first blog on Depression 1 – Total Control.

If you take the most care in aiming for perfection then you are self-focused and ready to tackle depression. Depression is falling into the trap of unhappiness, despair, and sadness for your situation, and a shadow of dreariness for your circumstances. Let’s move on then, turn the page, and push yourself to new heights.
Snap out of it, hit the gym, focus on the new you – a person with ultimate strength to take on new challenges that will improve your overall view of the world. Don’t fall into the trap of laziness and feeling sorry for yourself. Just going to the gym and working out and improving your diet means you will be able to change the way you look and feel.
Concentrate on your inner strength to help you get energized. Meditate, deep breathe, and think of yourself and how you can conquer your fears. This is big for ultimate control. This overall concept, if acted on will provide the final element to get out of your depressive state.
Meditation in simple terms is connecting with your ultimate power from within. Think of it, as an opportunity to connect with your inner world. Your mind and body are your outer world, together they work on your day-to-day external life; thinking and moving. Like a car though, your inner world is a mechanism behind the engine casing. It needs lubricating and adjustments to maintain its function ability.

Tweaks in performance will make all the difference between running well, or failing. Deep breathing will oxygenate your mind and body by providing nitric oxide and a host of other benefits. Oxygenation is the state a child has, so not only will you feel better from deep breathing, but you improve your longevity. This is exciting, isn’t it? If you suffer from depression then meditating and deep breathing will make a gigantic leap in changing your mood swings.
The above article has just touched the surface, so to gain more knowledge on the subject you might want to check out some of my previous blogs like: Meditation & Breathing; Deep Breathing; and Bold Breathing Techniques.
The important thing to remember is that depression is a state of mind which needs refreshing with a knowledgeable solution. So, although pill popping will help, people with serious depression need to work it out, change their diet, and develop their inner calm while enhancing their outlook.
Take care!
Prof. Carl Boniface
What is depression and what other experts say:
Vocabulary builder:
Bolster (n) = boost, strengthen, reinforce, encourage, support, augment, sustain
Dreariness (n) = dullness, monotony, boredom, routine, bleakness, misery, cheerlessness, (ant) excitement
Casing (n) = covering, case, outside, exterior, skin, sleeve, sheath, shell
Tweaks (n) = small minute adjustments to improve performance, (Syn) pinches, twists, pulls, yanks, nips, squeezes, jerks, tugs, pinches
Nitric oxide (n) = helps your blood vessels relax and widen. This improves blood flow and lowers your blood pressure. Nervous system. As a neurotransmitter, nitric oxide helps send messages throughout your body.
Oxygenation (n) = is very good because several body systems work collaboratively during the oxygenation process to take in oxygen from the air, carry it through the bloodstream, and adequately oxygenate tissues. It is important that all parts of the system work together to ensure that oxygen is delivered appropriately to tissues within each system.
Mood swings (n) = are sudden changes (swings) in how you feel at a particular time (mood). Sometimes, you know what causes a good or bad mood. Other times, you can't really pinpoint exactly why you feel like you do. Research suggests that chemicals in your brain (neurotransmitters) determine how you feel.
Occasional mild-to-moderate mood swings are a normal part of life. They may be more common during certain times, for instance, when significant life changes take place, or hormonal fluctuations occur due to menstruation and pregnancy. Intense, long lasting, or recurring mood swings can suggest an underlying issue.
Sometimes, mood swings are symptoms of mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. Or they may relate to other mental health conditions, like: Anxiety. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).