This short exam has been created for anyone wanting to improve their English language skills. Good luck!

Test your competence in verb usage including present continuous:
Infinitive verb tense = to + verb
Present verb tense = verb (s/es/ies)
Present continuous verb tense = verb (be) + verb + gerund form (ing)
Verbs are versatile such as can + be / + verb + gerund) = The weather can be raining if there are many dark clouds.
The book is (be) on the shelf in the living room.
He needs (need) to get (get) a new pen to write a report about the weather.
Fill in the underlined spaces using the correct form of verb:
1. I _____ (be) __________ (walk) to the chemist to buy medicine.
2. You _____ (be) _________ (go) ___ _______ (have) an ice-cream.
3. She _____ (be) _________ (have) a slice of mozzarella pizza.
4. Sandra _____ (be) ________ (play) the piano in her bedroom.
5. Peter ______ (be not) ________ (go) to school today.
6. His mobile ______ (be) on the desk near his computer.
7. Would you ______ (like) a glass of wine?
8. Do you ______ (want) sugar and milk in your coffee.
9. She _______ (smell) great. That perfume ______ (be) very nice.
10. Dogs _______ (love) bones. The act of _______ (chew) on a bone (see picture) _____ (can) _____ (be) an immensely satisfying experience for dogs, leading to the release of endorphins—the “feel-good” hormones.
11. The doormat _______ (be) on the floor, outside the front door of the house.
12. Her hair ______ (be) long and blond. She _____ (have) it washed and blow dried every week.
13. My Internet _____ (be) ________ (play) up these days. It ______ (need) __________ (fix).
14. You ______ (will) ______ (be) 25 years old next week.
15. The work day ______ (have not) finished yet. You ______ (finish) in two (2) hours.
16. Would your husband ______ (like) a bottle of beer?
17. How much money ______ (do) you ______ (have) in the bank? I have $5,000.
18. ______ (can) I _______ (buy) you a tuna sandwich ____ _______ (eat)?
19. They ______ (be) _________ (be) childish when they scream.
20. He ______ (try) _________ (race) cars for a living.
21. If she ______ (go) _______ (fish) she might ______ (catch) a fish.
Ask your teacher to check the results of the verb test with you. This will help you develop your English skills. If you are really in trouble, there is a guide below with some of the correct answers.
Vocabulary builder:
Chemist (n) = a pharmacy (a place to buy medicine to get better).
Doormat (n) = is a mat used in front or behind doors to clean your feet.
Chew (v) = a regular verb meaning to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow (consume).
Release (v) = 1. allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free. 2. allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely. "She released his arm and pushed him aside." As a noun (n) = 1. the action or process of releasing or being released. 2. the action of making a movie, recording, or other product available for general viewing or purchase. "The film was withheld for two years before its release."
Scream (v) = a regular verb meaning a long, loud, piercing cry expressing extreme emotion or pain. "They were awakened by screams for help."
Tuna (n) = is a fish from the sea. Fresh tuna is best, but you can buy tuna in tins.
Catch (v) = is an irregular verb. You catch things when you go fishing. The past of catch is caught. The Past Participle of catch is also caught. “He has been fishing since early this morning. He has caught many fish.”
Before looking for guidance below, try to answer above correctly.
1. I am (be) walking (walk) to the chemist to buy medicine.
2. You are (be) going (go) to have (have) an ice-cream.
3. She is (be) having (have) a slice of mozzarella pizza.
4. Sandra is (be) playing (play) the piano in her bedroom.
5. Peter isn’t (be not) going (go) to school today.
6. His mobile is (be) on the desk near his computer.
7. Would you like (like) a glass of wine?
8. Do you want (want) sugar and milk in your coffee.
9. She smells (smell) great. That perfume is (be) very nice.
10. Dogs love (love) bones. The act of chewing (chew) on a bone (see picture) can (can) be (be) an immensely satisfying experience for dogs, leading to the release of endorphins—the “feel-good” hormones.
11. The doormat is (be) on the floor, outside the front door of the house.
12. Her hair is (be) long and blond. She has (have) it washed and blow dried every week.
13. My Internet is (be) playing (play) up these days. It needs (need) fixing (fix).
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