You couldn’t make it up if you wanted, but there are many Pro-Palestinian supporters who are completely void of basic facts. Those facts that for me make the whole conspiracy theory of Palestinian suffering a huge joke when you consider the whole truth and nothing but the truth behind October 7th, 2023.

In 1947 the United Nations set up an agreement whereby the Palestinian land would be divided equally, so there would be no arguments between Israel and the Arab controlled Palestine territory. So before going on, please look at the map to be crystal clear of how the land would be divided.
The green area proposed would belong to Palestinian Arabs. The blue and pink area would belong to Israelis. The important fact here is that the pink area is mainly desert making agriculture virtually impossible for development. As you can see, the proposed area for Palestinians was actually quite attractive, as it covers more fertile land to be controlled by Arabs and is actually much bigger than the area designated for Israelis.
On one hand, the Jews accepted the proposal while the Arabs declined the agreement. This isn’t an isolate case, as every single proposal has been rejected by Arabs. Additionally, many Arab nations have supported an intifada. In other words, the Jews of Israel have been fighting a never-ending battle for many, many years. The Arabs have always been against an amicable solution wanting to annihilate Jews.
It doesn’t matter how flexible Israel can be, as Palestinians are not prepared to live in peace whatever situation is suggested to moderate affairs because Arabs in the Middle East have always been hostile to Jews ever since Islamism was formed in 610 AC.
The word Islam means "submission to the will of God". Muslims believe that Muhammad was the final prophet sent by God to reveal their faith to mankind. The sacred scripture of Islam is the Quran, which contains God's revelations to Muhammad.
Islam began spreading to Palestine in 638 C.E. when Muslims entered the area known as "Sham", which included Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. The process of Islamization was slow and complex, and was driven by factors such as intermarriage, economic self-interest, and political allegiance.
Some scholars believe that Islam became the majority religion in Palestine in the 9th century. Historians estimate that Syria-Palestine became a Muslim majority demographic in the 12th century.

If we follow history, Arabs who helped the British overthrow the Ottoman Empire in 1917 during the First World War were promised Palestinian land, by the British, to no avail, as the French sort it as well, and then an ex-prime-minister, Lord Balfour designed the Balfour Declaration to allow persecuted European Jews to settle there.
It seemed like a reasonable solution as there were already over ninety-thousand Jews living in the land which had no sovereign owner of national identity. Yes, there were many more Arabs including Nomads and Bedouins who roamed across the desert, and claimed land without any rightful possession.
Bedouin is a common name for an Arabian shepherd who grazes his goats somewhere in the desert or near the desert. They often live nomadic life. Nomad is a person who moves. He has his tent, which he can pack when he needs it and goes to another place where there is currently more food and water for him and his animals.
Most Bedouins are animal herders who migrate into the desert during the rainy winter season and move back toward the cultivated land in the dry summer months. Bedouin tribes have traditionally been classified according to the animal species that are the basis of their livelihood.

Nevertheless, they don’t own the land and therefore cannot claim that they are the rightful owners. You see where I am going? Who is the rightful owner of Palestine which has a long history to debate. Either way you look at it Jews have as much right, if not more that “Palestinians” simply because they were there way before Arab Muslims spread Islam.
The history of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel dates back to the 2nd millennium BCE, when the Israelites emerged from the southern Canaanites. The tribe of Judah claimed the area of Judea, which stretched from south of Jerusalem to the Negev region.
The land known as Palestine was called Judea during the Roman province of Judea, which was created after the Roman conquest of the kingdom. The name survived the Roman conquest and the reemergence of an independent kingdom in 140 BCE. However, the Romans changed the name of the province after the third and final Jewish revolt to suppress Jewish nationalism.
If Palestinians had been more diplomatic whilst more amicable in finding a common solution for both sides then perhaps, they would have more land and a better relationship with the Jewish community which would be beneficial on all fronts.
Furthermore, the Gaza strip alone has a forty-kilometer beach front which could be a Middle Eastern paradise like for example Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - Tel Aviv, Israel - Aqaba, Jordan, or Dubai or Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. That would bring in wealth to make the region affluent.
If Palestinians really wanted to live in peace they wouldn’t have elected Hamas, and would have done everything to befriend their enemy which goes along with the phrase, “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.”
Take care!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Learn the history of the region before jumping to conclusions of genocide and Palestinian oppression. The Palestinian population has grown excessively since the 1920s when there were 520,000. Today there are more than 14 million Palestinians spread around the world. They lash out and massacre Jews, suicide bombers turn up when least expected, 9/11 (see video at bottom of page) was an opportunity for Palestinians all across Gaza to celebrate that America was attacked, and now they play the victim status card for the sympathy vote.
Vocabulary builder:
Intifada (n) = uprising, rebellion. specifically: an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
P.S. The article has been produced from information available online. Therefore, research has been carried out and citings gathered from the data received. This report is simply an opinion based on such gatherings.
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