Accidents occur far too often in the world, as the roads become more congested and it becomes more difficult to navigate safely. Often people are rushing around like blue-arsed flies (in a hurry) to get to work for being behind schedule, or they aren’t paying attention and make a miscalculation, or in some cases there are careless drivers.

Here in São Paulo, Brazil, the paint shop specialist industry is booming right now due to an overflow of jobs needing to be sorted out. Some clients have insurance, others not. Repair costs are generally high, so those who are obliged to spend out of pocket meet frustration when it comes to repairing top of the range cars like those from Germany. Three brands that are nostalgic icons when it comes to selecting one are Audi, BMW, or Mercedes-Benz. Fortunately, careful drivers get premium insurance rates in Brazil from Justos, a modern startup brought about by three aspiring entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, California.
When it comes to selecting a dependable paint shop specialist your guess is as good as mine. Probably the best advice I could give is to go to a well-established firm, and ideally taking it to a registered dealership would be certain of high-quality repairs with original parts. The problem though is the cost through a dealership can run into literally thousands of dollars, as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) panels can cost excessively.
Due to overly expensive replacement spare parts, there is a thriving market for Aftermarket parts because cost wise, they are much cheaper. Brazil has seen many importers bringing alternative replacement parts which has made the market much more competitive. Local German car brand dealerships are reluctant to recommend parallel parts which they condemn, as it breaks their protocol to repair damaged cars with original parts, the standard. Many paint shop specialists improvise by straightening out and repairing the damaged panels.
Additionally, they cannot attest to the quality of service though nowadays there are many ex-dealership employees with plenty of experience that open their own repair shops. Also, more reliable paint shop specialists are popping up around the country. For dealerships high quality workmanship is essential, and then bottom line revenue is at stake.
BMW bodywork for example is subject to strict BMW quality requirements and is carried out by highly qualified BMW service specialists. Whether there is slight damage to the body or comprehensive damage; with the most up-to-date repair techniques and using Genuine BMW Parts, they will ensure that a BMW is in such good shape that it will pass all BMW crash test requirements.
The perfect combination of innovative technology and outstanding expertise makes it possible to ensure a vehicle can be reused after completing the bodywork repairs and offers the customary level of safety. A customer benefits from BMW paintwork, and therefore the car is restored to the normal condition after an accident or damage from hailstones for example.
The environmentally sound, approved BMW paint system is used for this. The BMW service specialist uses the Approved BMW paint system for good reason. This innovative painting system offers an identical solution to the original paintwork and ensures that all surfaces shine perfectly, and it is therefore also used for all warranty work.
Take care!
Prof, Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Blue-arsed fly (idiom) = with reference to the bluebottle fly, the colloquial phrase like a blue-arsed fly is used to describe someone engaged in constant, frantic activity or movement. The earliest recorded instances of this phrase seem to indicate that it originated in the British armed forces.
Range (n) = variety, choice, series, assortment, array, kind, collection, scope. “The high range of cars means there is one that suits even the choosiest customer.” Choosiest means fussiest, pickiest, hard to please.
Dependable (adj) = reliable, trustworthy, loyal, faithful, responsible
Revenue (n) = income, proceeds, profits, returns, takings, expenses
Hailstones (n) = a pellet of hail. Hail means pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus means cloud forming a towering mass with a flat base at fairly low altitude and often a flat top, as in thunderstorms.