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Carl Boniface
18 de fev.1 min de leitura
Save Mankind
Article about saving mankind in a world torn between right and wrong.
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Carl Boniface
20 de jan.5 min de leitura
Trump on Climate Change
Article that shows Trump's annoyance towards other leading nations participation in CO2 reduction.
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Carl Boniface
14 de jan.2 min de leitura
Britain’s Farming Technology
Article about how some British farms are working together to tackle climate change.
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Carl Boniface
23 de dez. de 20243 min de leitura
Niobium Batteries
Technology is always on the move. Article about the advance in Niobium technology and how a Brazilian and British company are set to moving
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Carl Boniface
18 de nov. de 20242 min de leitura
Smartphone Replacement
New ideas and improved ideas to reduce the carbon footprint make sense in today's world.
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Carl Boniface
13 de nov. de 20245 min de leitura
Brazil's Carbon Emissions
Article about Brazil's reduction in carbon emissions, and what is behind the results.
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Carl Boniface
3 de abr. de 20234 min de leitura
Sustainability Helps
Your contribution will ultimately help pave the way to reducing the carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) while making earth a less risky...
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Carl Boniface
28 de mar. de 20236 min de leitura
Carbon Credits
My nutshell analysis of carbon credits is a form of controlling participation in the reduction of the carbon footprint that is destroying...
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Carl Boniface
6 de fev. de 20232 min de leitura
ECO Unfriendly
Brazil sinks a warship in the Atlantic amid environmental concerns. Another disastrous deed which is the opposite to throwing litter in...
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Carl Boniface
3 de dez. de 20211 min de leitura
Balancing Act
Nature is the world’s self-survival system and we are screwing it up. Every one of us has to take responsibility. Everything produced...
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