Have you ever found being with the right person makes you feel happy? Time slips by and that connection enhances your perception of life. In fact, whenever you put love into a relationship, and there are two to tango the flow is just right and dreams are built.
Having said that, the real question is what does it take to make you click? It might be an ice-cream on a hot sweltering day, or reading a captivating romantic book, or watching an action-packed suspense. I’m talking rhetorically because maybe you are not spellbound by being in love, dumbfounded that someone else finds you adorable, or trying to work out your emotional balance.
In general, people aim for that feeling in life. They want to feel part of the equation, joined by friendships to make them feel connected and part of society. It isn’t always enough to have a lot of money, fame, and fortune.
In other words, we as individuals build our life to give us the sort of compensation that makes us feel whole (complete), useful (valuable), wanted (desirable), connected (joined), safe (secure), and even special knowing that we are more than we are living.
Whatever you do, by putting love into your path it will make you a better person; the kind of human that others like because you are someone who cares to be around them for the right reasons.
However, putting love into life will boost your chances of success, as anything you touch with love will function more effectively. Love on your agenda will bring out the best in you.
Take care!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Enhances (v) = to enhance something is to improve it, augment, increase, boost, develop, enrich, heighten, add to
Two to tango (idiom) = It takes two to tango is a common idiomatic expression which suggests something in which more than one person or other entity are paired in an inextricably-related and active manner, occasionally with negative connotations.
Sweltering (adj) = boiling, scorching, baking, roasting, red-hot, sizzling, blistering, oppressive, very hot, burning up, (ant) freezing
Rhetorically (adv) = verbally, linguistically, stylistically, pretentiously
Dumbfounded (adj) = astonished, surprised, speechless, stunned