Stop whining about how unlucky you are, and that nothing seems to work the way you would like. It is time to snap out of your depressive state, and push life’s difficulties to the side; understand how life works, and captivate your inner energy to overturn your downward anguish.

Everything happens for a reason. You have no control over what others do. However, you can avoid their misery, frustration, and dilemma, and turn a blind eye while accepting you are unable to change what they have done. When something happens to your life, you have to face it, and not allow it to cause you grief. If it is your mistake then face it head on, learn to overcome your fears. In fact, we learn from our mistakes which make us better people. Learning how to manage such circumstances, and turn a negative into a positive is a key for ongoing success.
Easier said than done you might say, but it doesn’t have to be, if you embrace life’s mishaps, and all the negative energy that is coming down on top of you. Actually, expect irritation and the devil’s nasty ways. It is part of life. Welcome it! You are bigger than those downward atrocities.
The best way to approach incoming meanness is to become tolerant. The best way to face challenge is meet it head on. The best way to improve your chances of success is to study and train to become better in gaining results. My father used to say, “The bigger they are, the easier they fall!,” which basically implies everything is achievable. It is a bit like the old bible story of David and the giant Goliath in Samuel 17:50-53 CEV. David defeated Goliath with a sling and a rock. He killed him without even using a sword. David ran over and pulled out Goliath's sword. Then he used it to cut off Goliath's head.
It sounds like a nasty ending, but the bottom line is everything happens for a reason. With preparation we learn to overcome challenges that seem like impossible tasks. It doesn’t have to be that way! We are incredible human beings and every single one of us has the potential to improve. So, my message here is depression can be dealt with providing you are prepared to make a few adjustments.
Number one and two are getting down to the gym as regularly as possible, and changing your diet to one that builds strength and endurance. This alone is phenomenal because the ritual will create a positive mindset by releasing endorphins. Endorphins are your feel-good drug. This alone is mega towards making you feel almighty. The food change will help build energy which not only fuels your exercise routine, but helps you recover during the day by giving you the right mindset with a little help from self-development.

Mindset is everything because you become more aware of yourself and your ability while learning your limitations, and then making conscious improvements. With a growth mindset, you know that you can change over time, and therefore you are more open to reflect, learn and grow from challenges. Because failure is less threatening, you are more willing to embrace life's challenges, take feedback as a learning opportunity and continue to learn and grow throughout life.
People who suffer from depression, ideally need a life coach who can supply an ongoing influx of positivism. Unfortunately, most doctors prescribe chemical drugs that although help fight depression, do not face depression head on. English classes with me try to install that warrior instinct which strengthens posture whilst enhancing outcome.
The next part of, “Depression 2 – Total Control” will cover another part of my storyline that helps further progression. Keep a look out for the next part which will blow your mind. Additionally, recommend my English classes and positive mindset approach that offers therapeutic balance for long term effectiveness.
Take care!
Prof. Carl Boniface
What is depression and what other experts say:
Vocabulary builder:
Whining (adj) = moaning, grumbling, complaining, being cantankerous
Anguish (n) = torment, agony, torture, suffering, distress, pain, grief, sorrow, affliction, angst
Embrace (n) = hold, hug, grip, encirclement, squeeze, cuddle, clinch, comprise, contain
Almighty (adj) = enormous, massive, huge, immense, gigantic, colossal, serious, terrible, terrific, frightful