In the midst of coronavirus and the latest worry factor of Omicron, the world seems to have gone mad. Lots of controversy about rules and regulations, should new social distancing laws come into play, should one wear a mask, what kind of precaution should government enforce – are just a few angles of perception.

A few weeks ago, NHS professionals with scientific evidence clarified that Omicron wasn’t as severe as expected and it was less life threatening. However, weeks after and we still hear panic bells to disrupt lifestyles by tightening restrictions. Boris Johnson has supported the campaign for vaccination boosters for those needing reinforcement.
The truth in the UK has been torn to shreds by many of the population who act as though there is nothing to worry about, by not wearing masks in public places. Up and above 100,000 new cases have been recorded in one day. People go around as if there is nothing to worry about and even if there isn’t for them shouldn’t they be taking precautions with others in mind?
A mockery of the whole covid-19 pandemic seems to be amidst us as there are so many individuals who go around not observing the simple rules needed to play if safe while avoiding potential transmission to others. Wear a mask, maintain a safe distance between folk, and avoid closed spaces.
Restaurants and pubs are still busy with staff and customers not conforming to those basic guidelines. Maskless people use public transport like underground and buses undeterred (undiscouraged). It seems that those taking the risk are only thinking about themselves with little to no concern for others. Should science then be questioned about how to curb the infection?
Should the thing needing discussion be, ‘I’m not worried about me, and consequently couldn’t care a less if I get contaminated and pass it on to my 94-year-old mother.’ I do care and will not risk my mother’s life for my own ego (self-worth, self-image, self-esteem). There is no question about those who know best, and think they are not making a fuss about their decisions.
Written by Carl Boniface