There are nice people all around the world. However, few will put themselves out. I’m not talking just about kind people who will help in a time of need.

To be honest, if a person has had an accident, and a person witnesses the actual occurrence then the act of giving a supporting hand from the Good Samaritan behaviour that many parents pass as values to their offspring is quite normal. An example would be checking to see if the injured party is alright and needed immediate assistance, or being a witness to make sure the prejudiced party is compensated.
What I’m talking about is those who will go the extra mile. They are a rare breed whose parents have taught them the value of other human beings, and the kindness needed to make the world a better place. Or genuinely, individuals who put themselves out to go beyond expectations, and I would go as far as to say their Christian values have been well drilled into their conduct.
Whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist, it seems to me that a person who would go the extra mile is an extraordinary one who really cares about others, to the extent that they want to make sure they do their best for other people’s delight. This kind of attitude is exceptionally kind because they give their time without any compensation which is pretty rare in this day and age.
My heart goes out for Rita (see photo above) who stopped when I had a motorcycle accident. She not only rushed over to see what she could do to provide assistance, but made sure I was alright, and then even took the time to help me get to my destination by driving me home in her car. She gave me at least one and a half hours of her time and affection which came as a complete surprise. Afterall, she didn’t know me, and on her day off from work she probably had other things she could have been doing.
This just shows that loving people are out there. Certainly, it made me more open to lending a kind hand when someone else is in a similar predicament. I think more people should learn the art of helping others, and then the world would be a better place for everyone!
Have a great day!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Good Samaritan (n) = a charitable or helpful person (with reference to Luke 10:33). "Suddenly, miraculously, a Good Samaritan leaned over and handed the cashier a dollar bill on my behalf." 2. a member of a group of people inhabiting Samaria in biblical times, or of the modern community in the region of Nablus claiming descent from them, adhering to a form of Judaism accepting only its own ancient version of the Pentateuch as Scripture.
Rare breed (adj) = pedigree, full-blooded, purebred
Drilled (v) = trained, coached, schooled, disciplined, instructed, or pierced, punctured, penetrated, make a hole
Pretty (adj) = attractive, nice-looking, goodlooking, handsome, beautiful, lovely, (ant) unattractive, or as an adverb such as rather, reasonably, somewhat, moderately, adequately, satisfactorily, fairly, quite, (ant) not at all
Lending (v) = loaning, adding, injecting, bestowing, affording, imparting, let somebody use, give somebody use of