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Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

Atualizado: 13 de jan.

Values are taught to us when we are young, by our parents, school influences; and then through time we may very well fall victim to friends influences while growing up. Patriotism then is the proudness of where we are brought up which comes around with respect for national pride; the quality of being patriotic, devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

“Our values are constantly reflected in the way we choose to behave.

This is critically important—because we all have a few things that we think and say we value, but we never back them up with our actions. I can tell people (and myself) until I’m blue in the face that I care about climate change or the dangers of social media, but if I spend my days driving around in a gas-guzzling SUV, constantly refreshing my newsfeeds, then my behaviors, my actions tell a different story. * Source

Having lived abroad for so long, begs the question of where my values lie. As an Englishman, I used to question my love for my country and its values, where I was heading, and how proud moving to another country I had been. Almost 40 years later I would say Great Britain continues as an incredible country. However, a sadness deepens inside of me, as the country I once resided in has fallen victim to its generosity, respect towards others, and weakness towards interfering ungrateful individuals.

I’m talking about a cultural change based on an ever-growing influx of foreigners, and more specifically those who abuse England’s welfare benefits, grooming gangs, knife crime and violence, theft which are all up, and a lower level of living due to economic pressures. Yes, lifestyle for most has gone down the pan.

Additionally, religious beliefs are tearing the country apart; Islamism and terrorist movements on the up. Globalism creates a nation splitting. Even some politicians are woke barmy with incompetence. says that moving to the UK is a wonderful decision to make, and by this point you should have all the knowledge you need to make the jump to life across the pond. You can look forward to excellent healthcare, education, and entertainment while living in the UK.

In other words, people from around the world are eager to come to Britain. For English people though, it can become a bit of a nightmare! Government restrictions are very weak, and one reason for this attitude is due to the EU, the European Union’s laws which continue after BREXIT when the United Kingdom withdrew its participation. Many regulations are still controlled by the EU parliament.

There always seems to be a catch 22 in life, i.e., it is an impossible situation because you cannot do one thing until you do another thing, but you cannot do the second thing until you do the first thing. So what was the point of leaving in the first place when you are caught in a catch 22 whereby, on one hand the influx of Europeans was sky high, and then when that was stopped, refugees flocked our shoreline and were protected by the EU open borders policy. You can't win!

Yes, they call those in transit through France legal, and then they come over to England illegally until they arrive on Britain’s coastline, and then once they've stepped onto the beach, they are protected even if they have no documents. The French encourage it to get rid of them from their country. In other words, they could be convicted killers who have escaped from jail. Welcome to a bunch of potentially hostile criminals!!!

They come to England because of the attractive packages being handed out whilst the majority of the British public don’t want them, and then law-abiding British citizens are aware that they are housed, fed, and even given almost £50 a week as pocket money. Very few are later deported. Most receive official documents to start a new life in the UK.

Amongst illegals, mainly men in their 20s arriving, some turn to harassing our younger and older generations walking the streets. Pakistani grooming gangs of young men rape our teenage girls, and most of the carrying-on’s are kept lowkey to avoid racial discrimination. Others turn to pillaging, or stealing men’s watches (watch theft gangs), and regular knifings are rising. Murders once very rare, are more common and its often-foreign immigrants.

In the past there were less immigrants, and to be fair they were welcomed as part of an emerging nation wishing to support globalization, and in some ways rectify past British Empire wounds to try and mend bridges. England aren’t alone, as the USA has also been accepting more a more immigrants.

Moreover, American civilians are also fed up with the way the country is heading. So much so that Donald Trump has recently been elected as the President, and will be taking office later this month. His attitude is patriotic, as he wants to deport illegal immigrants. However, he has some policies which are necessary whilst others aren’t. Finding the middle ground isn’t easy!

It is important to say that patriotism is sticking with principals borne from the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a country or state. This attachment can be a combination of different feelings for things such as the language of one's homeland, and its ethnic, cultural, political, or historical aspects.

To see such a drastic change in surroundings and cultural differences is like a kick in the balls! 

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface   


Vocabulary builder:

Where my values lie (idiom) = our values are constantly reflected in the way we choose to behave. This is critically important—because we all have a few things that we think and say we value, but we never back them up with our actions.

Gone down the pan (idiom) = used to describe something that is being wasted or lost. It's just money down the pan. All my hard work went down the pan. 2. used to describe something that is getting much worse.

Barmy (adj) = mad, nuts, silly, foolish, wacky – woke (adj) = Hess (from the Wikipedia) describes woke as "the inverse of 'politically correct' ... It means wanting to be considered correct, and wanting everyone to know just how correct you are". The impact of "woke" sentiment on society has been criticised from various perspectives.

Pillage (n) = loot, rob, taking, plunder (stolen goods, ill-gotten gains)

Mend (n) = patch, darn, repair, fix, restore, stick, glue

kick in the balls (idiom) = a big setback or disappointment.

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