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Foto do escritor: Carl BonifaceCarl Boniface

Atualizado: 28 de set. de 2022

Fanaticism comes in many shapes and forms. People aspire to certain things they become fanatical about like power, living night and day with radical ideas, their favorite sport’s team like Corinthians, or to get what they want. Take a youngster for example that wants something to eat off the menu and goes into hysterics to get it even if it isn’t available.

Neuroticism is the trait disposition to experience negative effects, including anger, anxiety, self‐consciousness, irritability, emotional instability, and depression. It usually relates to not having the comfort and support needed from a very young age. For instance, if parents have separated, the father goes elsewhere and avoids fatherhood responsibilities and then the mother’s work is doubled. However, if the mother needs to work two shifts and doesn’t have much time to spend with her child then it is understandable that the kid could be crying out for help.

Neuroticism is often the baggage that comes from indifference for youngsters who like every other child need attention and support while growing up. Good parents make the effort to fill emptiness and teach their offspring life traits by effectively teaching them how grow up and thrive.

The following list portrays some of the reasons behind such a state:

Common Neurotic Traits

  • An overall tendency toward negative emotions.

  • Feelings of anxiety or irritability.

  • Poor emotional stability.

  • Feelings of self-doubt.

  • Being self-conscious or shy.

  • Experiencing moodiness, sadness, or depression.

  • Easily stressed or upset; unable to handle stress well.

  • Dramatic changes in feelings.

No child is born neurotic, so childhood is very important. Upbringing then needs total commitment from parents. I’m not talking about making sure they don’t go without. I’m saying children need emotional intelligence from their parents.

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface

Reserve your slot for English classes +55 (11) 97607-6871 WhatsApp

Vocabulary builder:

Anger (n) = annoyance, irritation, rage, fury, antagonism, (ant) calm

Anxiety (n) = nervousness, worry, concern, apprehension, fear

Self‐consciousness (n) = uneasiness, uncomfortableness

Irritability (n) = touchiness, petulance, bad temper, cantankerousness

Emotional instability (n) = a tendency to exhibit unpredictable and rapid changes in emotions.

Depression (n) = unhappiness, despair, sadness, misery, hopelessness

Shifts (n) = changes, moves, modifications, alterations, periods

Emptiness (n) bareness, blankness, sparseness, void, (ant) fullness

Moodiness (n) = sulkiness, glumness, grumpiness, (ant) changeableness

Upbringing (n) = rearing, childhood, education, nurture

Commitment (n) = obligation, guarantee, promise, vow, duty, pledge

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