Funding Cryptocurrency is the real deal according to marketers in the money markets. Speculators jump into buying Bitcoin, or fresh off the shelf, less well-known digital currency. It stimulates their belief in riding the wave to financial euphoria. However, it could quite easily be the next dotcom extravaganza.

The dotcom bubble, also known as the dotcom boom, and the tech bubble was a stock market bubble caused by excessive speculation of Internet-related companies in the mid 1990s, a period of massive growth in the use and adoption of the Internet. The dot-com bubble eventually burst.
The dot-com bubble, also referred to as the Internet bubble, refers to when investors pumped money into Internet-based startups in the hope that these fledgling companies would soon turn a profit. In other words, the dotcom bubble was a rapid rise in U.S. technology stock equity valuations fueled by investments. Just the NASDAQ alone fell by more than 75 percent between March 2000 and October 2002, thus wiping out more than $5 trillion in market value.
Stock market predicting has been the rage for years in London. Companies have spawned up to teach disciples how to read the charts to determine probable market trends. So much so that worldwide market analyses have popped up teaching would be investors how to evaluate share and stock prices to make profitable investments. Day traders, in and out specialists that buy and sell within a given day for quick returns, use proven methods to make quick gains on transactions.
Going into positions at the right time can mean catching a bull market instead of a bear market. In capital markets, the act of selling a security at a given price without possessing it and purchasing it later at a lower price is known as shorting. Spreadbetting then is the act of purchasing stock market positions to cash in on bullish or bearish positions. The good thing about this form of trading is not needing to possess actual stock, and instead making wagers i.e., betting on the way the market reacts which can be profitable. However, like gambling the odds are stacked against winning. Only the smartest win! Either that or luck comes in.
Marketing bliss is great if you know how to capture opportunities, but it can also mean buying a donkey if you are unaware of what those in the know want to accomplish. Knowledgeable traders take risks, but they catch winners early on and ride the wave. Moreover, they are the ones’ who peddle the market. Therefore, if you are a speculator then realize there are no guarantees. Only invest money you are prepared to lose!
In England several banks aim to facilitate digital currency. One example is the Royal Bank of Scotland – RBS who have decided to take proportionate action to keep their customers safe and secure. This doesn't mean that they block cryptocurrency payments altogether but they will restrict payments to cryptocurrency exchanges that present the highest risk of financial harm.
At the end of the day, don’t get blind-sighted by all the hype, as timing is essential and perhaps the best time to get in has elapsed. If a position goes the opposite direction to the purchase price, all rights are waived. Definitely don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, spread your investment capital between a market shrewd portfolio.
Good luck!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Fledgling (adj) = inexperienced, new, untried, young, unqualified, green
Spawn (v) to produce offspring, or the release of eggs to create frogs or fish babies.
Bull market (n) = a market in which share prices are rising, encouraging buying.
Bear market (n) = a market in which share prices are falling, encouraging selling.
Peddle (v) = to push, retail, hype, promote.
Waive (v) = regular verb to refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim). "He will waive all rights to the money" (syn) relinquish, renounce, give up, abandon, reject, surrender, yield, cede, do without, dispense with, set/put aside, abdicate, abjure, sacrifice, refuse, turn down, spurn, sign away, (ant) claim, pursue, or to refrain from applying or enforcing (a rule, restriction, or fee). "Her tuition fees would be waived" (syn) disregard, ignore, overlook. set aside, forgo, drop, omit.