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Life Aspirations

Aspirations are dreams, hopes, or ambitions to achieve life goals. They can be thought of as overarching life goals that can help provide a sense of purpose and direction. Examples might include being successful in your career, having a strong relationship, traveling the world, or being a good parent.

We’ve all got aspirations to either prosper, maintain a healthy life style, be successful in our career goals, get married and build a beautiful family, live forever, or whatever it is that tickles your fancy. Seen in the photograph is my girlfriend who became my wife the same year this snapshot was taken in a small boutique restaurant in Jaffa, Tel-Aviv, Israel in 1985. Our romance and family have blossomed and we currently have two grandchildren which will be three next year.

Jaffa and Tel Aviv are joint municipalities and the cities are adjacent. You can easily walk south along Tel Aviv’s beachfront promenade to Jaffa. Another option is to meander through the old neighborhoods of Tel Aviv to Jaffa. Walking from Tel Aviv's Carmel Market to Jaffa's clock tower should take about 40min. When I look back, having been to Jaffa several times in my life, it is a fantastic part of the old city that fused with Tel Aviv. There is something exotic about this location.

Being ambitious has been one of my lifelong goals and developing startups has paved growing up into my fifties. My mother-in-law used to tell me that unless you become a millionaire by 40 years old, you’ll never make it. That’s one chapter in my life that is a long story, but in hindsight it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that trying to your best ability provides fulfillment and the satisfaction of trying until even if you never make it. I suppose it is the icing on the cake if you manage to reach the stardom you have always imagined.

If you are a warrior, you will never give up. True fighter instincts are a way of life. Marching forward to improve isn’t a fleeting thing, but rather something ingrained into your very being, the power from within to stretch and conquer.

Take care!

Prof. Carl Boniface          


Vocabulary builder:

Overarching (adj) = all-embracing, all-encompassing, main, predominant, principal, primary, central, supreme

Tickles your fancy (idiom) = to interest or attract someone. Do you see anything on the menu that tickles your fancy?

Boutique = Some might use the term boutique to mean stand-alone, unusual, or special but there's no hard and fast rule to the usage of the label. It literally means "shop" in French but the word sounds exotic enough to most English speakers that it's used to convey a sense of exclusivity and quality.

Meander (v) = wander, roam, stroll, zigzag, snake, (ant) rush

icing on the cake (idiom) = refers to something positive that enhances a situation that's already good. Example of Use: "She was delighted she was accepted to her new job, but having her best friend as her boss was just the icing on the cake."

Fleeting (adj) = brief, transitory, short-lived, momentary, passing, transient, (ant) permanent

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