Time is of the essence when facing irregularities. An example of such a case would be losing your job. Imagine losing your job because you made a mistake and your boss didn’t let you off the hook. It’s an inconsistency because your livelihood depends on your earnings.

Timing is one of those things that you need to keep on top of. If you lose momentum, you lose friction, and the impetus is what keeps you moving forward. Don’t get me wrong, I mean sometimes a break does you good because it gives you time to recuperate while repositioning yourself, and perhaps even create more energy and dynamic appeal to what you are trying to achieve.
Momentum is important to stay on top. If you decide to resign from your job because you feel the need then do it, but come back stronger. Don’t leave it longer than necessary. In today’s fast pace world staying abreast of education and technological advancements are paramount.
I’ve personally known a few instances where middle aged people have given up on belief in the ordinary world, and gotten into a sad state by losing their jobs and going back to live with their parents.
Then they become very dependent while making very little effort to get back to having a stable life. They either complain as if they are unlucky, but do nothing to sort out their situation, or start living a very flamboyant lifestyle, and expect handouts to fuel their behaviors.
In other words, they lean on others to hold them up because it is convenient. What makes it worse is if you say something to elicit them into taking action they scorn you, and then other family members support them because they feel sorry for them. If people cannot face problems head on then the situation will most likely worsen.
This burden thrown on parents isn’t fair. Those parents have worked hard during their working career, gone through difficulties to overcome hardship while trying to implant the warrior attitude in their kids. It is important to try and give children the courage to avoid weakness by staying strong.
However, if children grow up, find spouses and then leave home to create families of their own then they think they are mature adults. If that doesn’t work out, they might come back to their parents’ home, if they’ll have them for a while to get by. That could even become more permanent!
Therefore, if sons and daughters work and contribute towards household bills it is fair. The situation is surreal when they quit their job or get fired and don’t make the effort to find other suitable employment. Instead, they just lean on their parents as if they are teenagers, and parents have the obligation to support them as adults!
Anyone with concern would take action. Ask for moral support to get back instead of taking the easy path; going out all night long, drinking, worried about their image as an influencer, or getting up after midday doesn’t really cut it in this tough world for everyone!
All the best!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Vocabulary builder:
Let off the hook (idiom) = allow an irregular action, not to hold a person responsible for their act, give the other reason for his or her mistake. “A schoolboy stole a pen at the local store, and the shopkeeper decided to let him off the hook. P.S. A hook is used for catching fish, or to hold something up on the wall or ceiling like a butcher hangs meat.
Impetus (n) = motivation, push, incentive, energy, stimulus, drive, impulse, will, momentum
Elicit (v) prompt, stimulate, bring about, extract, draw, obtain, educe, draw out, bring out, bring forth, (ant) repress
Scorn (v) = deride, revile, despise, belittle, disparage