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5 Star Entertainment

In 2005, my acquaintance was the king of porn because he owned 5 Star Sex in London, England. As Sex Sells it’s a no brainer; punters want to come onboard and cash in on the sex revolution.

Sex sites have saturated the web, so getting traffic is one of the major obstacles to overcome. 5 Star created user friendly interfaces that provided cutting-edge hard-core material. Contrary to the previous market leading company where he had worked, he gave first class customer support to help promote the pornographic website franchises.

Having an incredibly friendly, user conscientious, latest trend website with all the mod con features needed to bring traffic is great, but if traffic isn’t pulled in droves, then it is a mantel piece of garbage. You can have the best-looking, user-friendly website on the market, but unless the marketing potential is an attractive and dynamic beacon then potential surfers won’t see it.

A well-designed website is an important aspect of any business. A super user-friendly experience is what pulls people in. The ability to find clear graphics and short punchy text that captivates is what differentiates leading sites from time wasting ones, and brings business! Therefore, what makes online businesses successful? One has to ask who are the market prospects? Who are they and what do they want? What edge do we have over the competitors?

Conventional advertising through the right channels such as leading newspapers where consumers are based, ads in appropriate age-related customer sources, and a wide-range database of prospects for e-mail marketing might be the way to go. In my acquaintance’s case, he told me that most of his clients came from the middle age group of people, and that specific advertising channels were used.

Then there are consumer products like popular foods, shampoos, and toothpaste tubes that suggest consumption and therefore regular usage. Products that everyone uses, and can be promoted through diverse methods. However, you wouldn’t likely promote a can of baked beans through an expensive high-tech magazine, but you might advertise a good brand of scotch whisky like Bowmore.

Yes, sex sells because everyone but a few like it, but then that doesn’t mean to say everyone is interested as the real thing is much more appetizing.

Take care!

Prof. Carl

Vocabulary builder:

mod con (adj) = is a highly efficient system that offers state-of-the-art features that few others can brag about because it delivers high level performance. droves (n) = multitudes, hordes, crowds, scores, masses, flocks, or herds, troops, groups, (ant) trickles

mantel (n) = a shelf above the fireplace

punchy (adj) = hard-hitting, forceful, effective, succinct (concise), (ant) bland

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