Great British pride was seen on Saturday 27th at Trafalgar Square in London where British people gathered together in the thousands to stand united and protest the extent of sadness they are feeling from the county’s inappropriate immigration laws. God bless Great Britain the gentleman said!
This was a moment to reflect about one great nation that has always been in the forefront of modern society, a nation that its kind people have opened their arms to accept foreigners seeking a better life; one that gives them the dignity to raise their families with honor and respectfulness. Tears were in my eyes watching all the fine videos about a peaceful march along London’s streets to Trafalgar Square where the organizer and patron, Tommy Robinson presented his own journey of the hurdles and injustices he has personally suffered to make people aware of the nation’s plight, to bring the group further together for its collective cause.

Main stream media though is painting a very different picture, with headlines, “Tommy Robinson faces jail after playing ‘libellous’ film at London ‘protest’ instead of simply sharing the fact that the British subjects are tired of the way Great Britain is having too much influence from foreign culture i.e., there is no control of our boarders and on one hand it is the government's inability to find a solution while the law courts are blocking any attempt. In other words, the group wanted to air their frustration because whether liked or not England is losing its traditional values by overpowering radicals.
It is very interesting how the opposers (counter-protesters) paint a very different picture. They chant free our streets (which is strange as Pro-Palestinian marches have been every week since October 7th), but don’t seem to have any pride of England and its long history, and this is seen when counter protesters to Tommy on Saturady chanted Nazi and fascist whilst flying Palestinian flags, void of any English flags. Click on this link to find out more about what is going on in England.
Tommy Robinson is spearheading the movement, and from the way I see it; used the film to show that the courts are making a mockery out of what really happened. The objective was to make known his prison sentence won’t stop the rallying of the British public who feel let down by the system and to make known their discontent with the silent invasion currently happening in the UK!
Take care!
Prof. Carl Boniface
Best and fair comments about the protest.
Vocabulary builder:
Plight (n) = dilemma, predicament, difficulty, quandary, scrape, trouble
Libellous (adj) = containing or constituting a libel. "A libelous newspaper story"
Mockery (n) = is making ridicule, scorn, derision, contempt, disdain, sarcasm, jeering, (ant) respect.
How a bystander sees it.